Monday, November 10, 2008


In October, I joined the Stash and Burn Soctober Challenge. My goal was to knit 2 pairs of socks, or about 700 yards of sock yarn. I finished my Rattlesnake Creek socks, in Dream In Color Smooshy, in the "Deep Seaflower" colorway. However, I'm still working on the leg of the first sock of the next pair, my Mingus socks in DIC "Good Luck Jade". This pattern is beyond my memorization capacities, so I can only work on them when I'm sitting at home with the pattern right in front of me. Maybe by the time I've finished the first sock, I'll have it down. Meanwhile, I've signed up for Stash and Burn's NaKniSweMo Challenge (National Knit a Sweater in a Month, a rip-off of NaWriNoMo, National Write a Novel in a Month). More about that when I have something to show for it....


alimum said...

I am in the middle of knitting the scarves I promised to Republicans and HRC supporters if Barack Obama won.

Also, I have to bake cupcakes and quiches (because I am ambitious and don't want to just order pizza) for Julian's birthday party and muffins for his school birthday celebration (they said I could just send fruit, but I know how these things work, I know whole wheat, low sugar muffins are what is expected of me).

Chloe Mills said...

These socks are beautiful! I haven't made any yet. Still working on my first sweater. Guess I hit the knitting craze a little late.

Anyway, very nice!