Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More Socks

I knit the first of these socks in Hawaii. It may seem incongruous that I was knitting wool socks while at the beach. Of course, I didn't really knit them at the beach. I knit them on the bus, and in dark conference rooms with air conditioning and no windows while listening to talks about Diffusion Tensor Imaging and so on. And it was congruous with the novel that I was reading, which was about Newfoundland, and though it did not prominently feature wool socks, the characters would have been happier if it did.

1 comment:

alimum said...

You have a tendency to equate the East Coast of Canada with knitting; Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, et al. I mean, you took up knitting because you believed it figured prominently in The Shipping News. I on the other hand, am to busy comparing knitting to smoking (at least in relation to vampires) to actually get knitting done, which probably explains why you have produced these beautiful socks and I have not touched needles or yarn in over a month. I feel ashamed.