Monday, October 20, 2008

Weedy Sea Dragons?

So, perhaps you have been wondering about the title. What is a weedy sea dragon, anyway? Well, when I was a senior in high school, the summer before I went to college, I worked at Books Inc. Which was a bookstore in the pre-computerized instant inventory era, and employed people to write down the title and publisher of every book sold on a little slip of paper. I'm not kidding (this is 1990). When we weren't doing this, I would sit around with my fellow literati wanna-bes, and write little stories, and look at books. In one book we came across photos of weedy sea dragons. I wrote down, on one of those slips of paper, that someday I would write a book, and call it Smoking Weedy Sea Dragons, and Drinking Irish Breakfast Tea. Or maybe it was Drinking Weedy Sea Dragons and Smoking Irish Breakfast Tea. Anyway, these beautiful creatures and my pretentious title have stuck with me.

Sorry for the lack of photo credits. If these are yours, well done!

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